***Please note: to protect the evangelistic work and the Christian believers in this people group, we will not be able to share names of the people we encountered during our medical missions trip to Guinea. We will use initials. Believers live in persecution, often from their own family if they convert from Islam to Christianity. ***
God moved powerfully during our time in Guinea in February 2023. Here are just a few stories of answered prayer during our stay there. To read part one of this series, click here.
Prayers Answered For Salvation And Healing
On Wednesday as we were traveling to village “S” the Lord prompted me to share the gospel with our driver. He lived in city “L” and was with us the entire week. He accepted Christ!
That day we treated 650 patients and, once again, Pastor Wilmont shared the gospel with those waiting for medical care. 12 people accepted Christ and a 100-year-old man was healed of blindness.
That evening one of the new converts came secretly at night to meet with Pastor Wilmont, Kathleen, and myself. His face just glowed, and he was so happy to be a believer. He said that he heard the gospel when Wilmont shared at the time of the placement of the well in 2021. God continued to work in his heart until that day. He was a teacher of the Quran (which is a sacred book in Islam) to 37 students and said that now he will now teach from the Bible. He downloaded a Bible app on his phone and was encouraged to read Romans 8. He came back the next night to meet with Pastor Wilmont for more prayer and encouragement.
On Thursday we served in village “D.” I think this was my favorite day! We were asked to serve in front of a Mosque and not openly share the gospel. Our team did a Jericho walk around the property prior to the start of the medical outreach. As God lead me, I prayed with people and Pastor Wilmont also met with people. One woman I prayed for was 35 and unable to hear for the last 5 years. God restored her hearing. She was praising God and high fiving me!
The village spokesman opened his heart to receive Christ that day. He was the father of 35 children. I looked back at my prayer journal the month prior and I had prayed for village chiefs, mayors, ministry of health officials and Imans to open their hearts to Christ. That afternoon at the end of the day Pastor Wilmont met with the village chief and Iman (Muslim religious leader that leads congregational prayers in the mosque). He shared the gospel with them. While they didn’t accept Christ as their Savior, they were very open to having a church planted and built in village “D.” It is almost unheard of to get permission from the top people to build a Christian church in a Muslim community!!! Praise God!!!
Our team’s faith was stirred, and we asked God to see bigger things. Show us your glory Lord!
On Friday Feb 10 we served in village “K”. The crowds were large, and we were told they would leave at 1pm to go to the mosque. They didn’t leave. We treated 664 patients and 2 accepted Christ.
At the end of this day, we traveled to see the well that was placed in 2021. We witnessed so many people, especially children, who had stomach worms due to lack of access to clean water. We prayed for more clean water wells and committees to maintain it.
We met a local soccer team who recently received jerseys. The superfect (spokesman) shared with us that prior to our arrival he told the “K” people group that we were a Christian medical team. They all said they would NOT attend. However, so many came out. We treated 2291 patients, and a total of 15 people opened their hearts to Jesus during the week of the medical outreach. The superfect said that a church can be planted and built in his community.
On Saturday our team traveled back to the capital of Guinea-Conakry through city “L”. We shared the gospel with the government officials at the local airport. We also had a very nice afternoon purchasing local souvenirs to remember our time in Guinea.
On Sunday we had a wonderful time of worship at a small church in Conakry. One of our team members, Kathleen, shared an inspirational message at church. Once again, Pastor Wilmont’s wife, Dian, took many hours to prepare a delicious meal for our team. On Sunday evening, we made our way to the airport for our flight to USA. We had some sad goodbyes at the airport but also a great deal of appreciation for our host and what God did that week.
Will You Join Us In Prayer?
We are praying that the “K” people group would experience freedom in Jesus Christ and open their hearts to receive Him. We give God praise that one new convert already asked Pastor Wilmont if he can be baptized.
Lord, we pray that you raise up Christian leaders, missionaries and Pastors among the “K” people group. May mosques be replaced with churches. May there be abundant resources to continue sharing the gospel.
None of this would have been possible without ALL of your prayers and support.
To join us on an upcoming medical mission trip, check out our volunteer page.