The beauty of serving on multiple missions trips is that we get to partner with new organizations every time!
On our trip to Burkina Faso, we had the privilege to partner with a local organization, The Burkina Faso Christian Medical and Dental Association. Working with local organizations allows us to help more people than we could on our own, and helps establish long-lasting relationships in the area. When we first arrived, we landed in Ouagadougou, (pronounced wagadagu) the capital and largest city in Burkina Faso, and then took a flight to Bobo-Dioulasso, where we were joined by the newly formed Christian Medical and Dental Association. We had a great time getting acquainted with 4 of the doctors from the Association over dinner! They shared all about their training, where they are working, and the Association’s missionFor the next four days, our team along with theirs served together in many remote, unreached villages.
Our American doctors were able to encourage the Burkina Faso doctors and medical students. They were also a great encouragement to us as they showed us how they treat many tropical diseases in Burkina that we don’t see in the United States.Together we were able to treat more patients than on any other trip= 1894!
There were three patients we were very concerned about that lived in the rural villages many miles from the city. Two have serious eye conditions and one has leukemia. With the assistance of the Burkina Faso Christian Medical Association, these patients were able to receive additional treatment they otherwise wouldn’t have, and I am so grateful we were able to establish a partnership with them!The Burkina Faso Christian Medical and Dental Association witnessed how serving in these remote villages opened the hearts of people to the gospel.
They were very encouraged serving with our team and appreciated the partnership just as much as we did! At the end of our short trip we had some left over medication and supplies that we were able to donate to them. We had the best time serving the people in remote villages around Burkina Faso and are so thankful that we were able to work together with the Burkina Faso Christian Medical and Dental Association. We couldn’t have helped as many people as we did without them! Have more questions about serving on one of our mission trips? Want to stay up to date with what’s going on with our organization? If so, be sure to sign up for our mailing list!