You’ve just heard from a good friend that they booked their first mission trip. This is exciting news, but how do you best support them?
Raising funds, arranging travel, and serving during a mission trip itself can be emotionally and mentally exhausting, so the support of friends and family during this time is crucial. Here are four ways you can support your loved one on their journey:1. Pray For Their Mission Trip
Prayer is probably one of the most important things you can do to support your friend or loved one during their trip! As Christians we know that prayer can move mountains. Don’t know what to pray for specifically? This post offers 31 ways to pray for missions.2. Encourage Them
Being your friend’s greatest supporter will go a long way towards easing their fears of the unknown, and help them feel encouraged. A simple text message letting them know how proud you are of them will be enough to lift their spirits when the going gets tough. For an added dose of encouragement, consider sending a care package with them filled with notecards containing a scripture and encouraging word for them to open on each day of their trip.3. Give Financially
You simply can’t go on a missions trip without funding, so supporting your loved one’s trip financially can be one of the best ways to help! Even if you can only give $5, every little bit counts.4. Spread The Word About Their Mission Trip
Another way to help financially is to spread the word about your friend’s trip for them to help raise funds! When people are personally connected to a cause they are more likely to give, so share away! Every Mission Partners For Christ participant has a personal fundraising link- be sure to ask you friend if you can share with your network! What about you? What would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments. The more we support others with their mission work, the more people we can serve around the world!