Medical Mission Trips for Doctors & Dentists

What doctors and dentists need to know about medical missions.

Your Medical Skills Can Help Unreached People

Group of medical volunteers in Africa

Use your medical skills to share the hope of medical care and the gospel.


Whatever your concerns are, God will make a way.

We understand the tension of feeling called into medical missions while navigating life and working full-time in the United States. There are very real concerns about how you’ll find the time off you need or how to fund the trip. 

Mission Partners for Christ plans, organizes, and facilitates short-term missions to Africa so medical professionals can provide life-saving health education and care while sharing the gospel.

We’ve seen so many physicians struggle with this tension, but every time, we’ve also seen God provide in powerful ways.

The concerns doctors and dentists have before joining us on a medical mission are quickly eclipsed by the blessings they experience.

They make powerful friendships along the way.

They feel like they’re making a difference at a level of depth they’ve never imagined.

They feel God’s presence in powerful ways, witness the Holy Spirit at work in new ways, and deepen their relationship with Christ..

They find their spirits refreshed and renewed.

We believe it should be shouldn’t be overly complicated to use your medical expertise for the glory of God, so we organize everything in a way that lets you show up and keep all of your focus on providing healing and hope to those who need it.

What kind of doctors and dentists do we need?

  • Family Practice
  • Primary Care
  • Dentists
  • Pediatrics
  • Internal Medicine
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Public Health
  • Infectious Disease
  • Psychiatry
  • Dermatology
  • OB GYN

If you’re not on this list, please feel welcome to reach out! Most licensed physicians can make a powerful impact on our medical mission trips!

What’s expected of medical practitioners on your trips?

Medical practitioner on medical mission trip

Participants should be someone who shares our mission to deliver both high quality medical care and the hope of the gospel to people in need.

We need people who are team players, flexible, and open to new experiences. This is an experience like no other, and the unexpected lies ahead.

It also helps to approach these trips with humility and a servant’s heart. Many of our patients have never seen a doctor before in their lives! It’s a very different patient encounter which requires a willingness to approach the work in new ways.

On the practical side of things, there are a few team meetings prior to the trip, and during the trip, we ask people to attend morning worship and a debrief time at the end of the day.

What’s expected in terms of treatment?

Doctor on a Medical Mission Trip with Mission Partners for Christ

Our trips focus on basic medical care. You won’t be asked to do anything that feels unreasonable or too risky for the patient. Translators are provided to help with language barriers.

Our medical work includes:

  • Evaluations
  • Primary Medical Care
  • Medication and Treatment
  • Health Education

For dentistry, work includes:

  • Assessments
  • Oral Care
  • Basic Cleaning and Extractions (No restorative work)
  • Health Education

Stepping out of her comfort zone, Sheree shares of the hope of Jesus in medical missions

Hear how Sheree overcame her concerns about joining a medical missions trip and found her life forever changed.

What Participants Have To Say:

Little did I know at that time, how my life trajectory would change, based on the work that I've been able to participate in with MPFC. If nothing else is accomplished in my life, I want to continue to be a part of the Gospel spread in Africa- in whatever ways God is going to use me!”

Rosemary Fisher, NP

Has served on 4 MPFC Missions

Each trip brings a new adventure. A new journey. New experiences. I am in awe of all of God's creation and seeing His handiwork displayed."

Jacki Bush, Radiology Tech

Has served on 6 MPFC Missions

Working with MPFC is not just going on a mission but also growing spiritually. I learned from each member, but also I got to know new people and love them."

Dr. Herve Tistou

Has served on 2 MPFC Missions

Together we can make a difference.

Register for one of our upcoming trips to help us bring hope and healing to the unreached in Africa.