Serve Jesus with your Medical Expertise

Join a short-term medical mission trip with an eternal impact

Serve Jesus with your Medical Expertise

Join a short-term medical mission trip with an eternal impact

Serve Jesus with your Medical Expertise

Join a short-term medical mission trip with an eternal impact

Serve Jesus with your Medical Expertise

Join a short-term medical mission trip with an eternal impact

Serve Jesus with your Medical Expertise

Join a short-term medical mission trip with an eternal impact


Reach the Unreached


Provide Life-Saving Medical Care


Create Healthier Communities

Millions of people in Africa don’t have access to critical healthcare or medical education.

This causes:

Countless deaths from preventable diseases

Minimal opportunities for screening and care

A devastating cycle of short lifespans and hardships

To make matters worse, these communities often live their whole lives without knowing Jesus or the gospel.

About Our Medical Mission Trips

We bring doctors, medical professionals, and other Christ-followers to countries that need them desperately.

Providing Life Saving Medical Care in Burundi

Providing Life-Saving Medical Care

Join a team of fellow medical professionals that desire to serve Jesus with their gifts.

Sharing the Gospel with the Unreached

Sharing the Gospel With the Unreached

Deliver the good news of Jesus, give out Bibles, and pray with patients while providing treatment.

Empowering Healthier Communities in Burundi

Empowering Communities

Provide immediate relief and long-term impact by educating locals on life saving basic healthcare.


As a nurse, I know how important it is to use your healthcare skillset for the Kingdom.

At Mission Partners for Christ, we want to see Jesus and the Gospel at the center of healthcare.

Sheri Postma

Founder & CEO, Mission Partners for Christ

Sheri Postma - Mission Partners for Christ

Ensuring Safe Missions With Long-Term Impact:

Young girl in Africa with a colorful dress on.

We bring security on every trip to maximize the safety of our team.


Our focus is on long-term education and immediate medical relief.


Each trip is designed to accommodate busy work schedules.

How It Works

You bring your medical expertise, we handle the rest.

Number 1

We Find the Community

First, we find a community unreached by the gospel and in need of medical care.

Number 2

We Organize the Details

Next, we work with local officials to organize treatment centers and gospel-sharing activities in the community.

Number 3

You Join the Mission

With a plan in place, all you need to do is come along for the journey!

Unable to join? Consider supporting attending an upcoming virtual prayer meeting.

What Participants Have To Say:

Little did I know at that time, how my life trajectory would change, based on the work that I've been able to participate in with MPFC. If nothing else is accomplished in my life, I want to continue to be a part of the Gospel spread in Africa- in whatever ways God is going to use me!”

Rosemary Fisher, NP

Has served on 4 MPFC Missions

Each trip brings a new adventure. A new journey. New experiences. I am in awe of all of God's creation and seeing His handiwork displayed."

Jacki Bush, Radiology Tech

Has served on 6 MPFC Missions

Working with MPFC is not just going on a mission but also growing spiritually. I learned from each member, but also I got to know new people and love them."

Dr. Herve Tistou

Has served on 2 MPFC Missions

Who will go if we don't?

Together, we can deliver spiritual and physical healing for our brothers and sisters from preventable illness and death.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."

Matthew 28:19