There are many times when we know what we should do, but questions, doubt, and fear gets in the way. I remember sitting in the conference center at summer camp while missionaries spoke of their ministries all around the world. I quite literally felt a tug on my heart. But then they started talking about the cultural differences, the food they had to eat, and the persecution they faced. The missionaries invited everyone to consider joining them on a short-term mission’s trip. But suddenly, I gave myself reasons to ignore that previous heart tug.

I’m a picky eater, I’d never last. 

It seems so dangerous! I wouldn’t want to worry my family.

Wow, the cost seems a bit high. 

You see, when it comes to going on a mission’s trip or following God’s call to go and share the Gospel, we can easily come up with a million excuses. Mission’s trips push us out of our comfort zones and into a place that is unfamiliar. But unfamiliar often disguises itself as scary — so we run the opposite direction!

Maybe you have felt that tug before. Sitting in church, listening to a mission’s presentation, or even just digging into the Word. Here are 4 brave steps you can take when you’re afraid to follow God’s call:

1. Embrace your emotions.

We don’t like emotions that don’t make us feel happy or joyful. But sometimes we have to embrace the “negative” emotions like fear and doubt. Because those emotions can be great teachers! And without them, we never learn how to be brave! Don’t automatically think that “fear” means you should walk away. Step into the feeling and give yourself time to explore.

2. Pray about it.

If God is calling us to something, He will equip us. He will provide. And He will be with us. So pray about your concerns and fears, and leave them at the feet of God. He will continue that tug or let it go if it isn’t the right time. But if you decide to pray about it, then also make time to listen to His response!

3. Talk to a mentor or someone you trust.

When our emotions seem overwhelming and we have already gone to the Lord in prayer, a great next step is to talk to someone about your concerns. Maybe even people who have already gone a mission’s trip! Listen to their stories, advice, and ask questions! They can help make a scary situation feel more comfortable and doable!

4. Believe.

You are capable. And you have something amazing to offer when you move forward with God! Believe in your ability to be courageous and brave and believe in the difference you can make by just saying “yes!”