We couldn’t do what we do without the help of our partner ministries! We have introduced you to several of our partners and plan to introduce you to more along the way. Here is a list to see other ministries who could use your support!
1. Partner Spotlight #1: The Shoe That Grows.
Did you know that many children in developing countries do not have shoes? Children contract illnesses through their feet because they do not have shoes. Over 1.5 billion people suffer from soil-transmitted diseases that could have been prevented had they worn proper footwear. These diseases can even lead to death if left untreated.
The Shoes That Grow organization provides very durable shoes to children that are made from compressed rubber (similar to a car tire), antibacterial synthetic, and high-grade velcro. The quality of these shoes is important since the children will wear this single pair of shoes longterm. The shoes expand up to 5 sizes so the child can wear them for several years.
Would you like to help us obtain shoes for the children we are seeing on our upcoming trips? Contact us or check out their website and let’s work together!
Read more about this ministry here.
2. Partner Spotlight #2: Global Hope Network International
Did you know that 1.5 billion people live in extreme poverty? The average village has 1,500 people and 1 million villages exist in over 70 countries. Global Hope Network International was launched with the purpose of “Bringing help and hope to the hidden and hurting.” Global Hope Network International (GHNI) focus’ on Transformational Community Development (TCD) to provide long term sustainability in villages.
This organization helps villages in the following five areas: water, food, wellness, education, and income.
Would you like to see one of these villages for yourself? Join us on an upcoming mission trip. To find out more about Global Hope Network International visit their website here.
Read more about this ministry here.
3. Partner Spotlight #3: World Mission
Did you know that 3 billion people have never had a gospel witness? World Mission delivers the Word of God in audio format “The Treasure” to oral learners living in unreached places. Today 40% of all the people groups or nations in the world still remain unreached. The Treasure is a solar digital audio player. It is smaller than an iPhone and weighs 2.4 ounces. It is easy to use. Each unit can hold up to 800 hours of audio material. They hold the entire New Testament and can also hold Old and New Testament stories, the Story of Jesus, and the God Story. There are literally thousands of languages available.
By providing a Treasure, it opens up the opportunity for people to hear the gospel for the first time in their language and to know that God speaks everyone’s language. We are grateful for the partnership of World Mission and hope you will get involved in partnering as well! A Treasure, at $50 each, reaches approximately 144 people with the life-changing power of the gospel. The more Treasures sent, the more people reached! Donate Here.
Read more about this ministry here.
4. Partner Spotlight #4: Blessing International
“Blessings International supplies medicines, pharmaceuticals, and medical equipment to teams and clinics serving in some of the most remote, impoverished, and dangerous places on earth, including within the continental United States.”
We love Blessing International! This organization provides quality medications and supplies for our mission trips. We couldn’t do what we do without the proper supplies, and we trust Blessing International to provide us with these items for our medical mission teams that serve in developing countries.
Would you like to help Blessings International heal the hurting, build healthy communities and transform lives? 100% of every dollar you give is used to provide medicines or medical supplies to the sick around the world. If you would like to help, you can give to any of their projects.
Read more about this ministry here.