On October 1, 2022. eight Americans traveled to Ethiopia for a Mission Partners For Christ medical mission. They were joined by 3 Ethiopian doctors, a dentist, and a radiologist. On our team, we also had two leaders from Global Hope Network International and three missionaries with Great Commission Ministry Ethiopia(GCME), a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ International.
We traveled by plane to Arba Minch where we stayed for the week. At our lodging, we enjoyed the spectacular hilltop setting overlooking the forest of Netch Sar National Park and two lakes in the Rift Valley basin. It was an incredible backdrop for our devotions, prayer time,
and meals. We even enjoyed a coffee ceremony there and worship around the bonfire one
evening. Have you ever eaten Ethiopian food? It was delicious!
We served four and a half days during our time in Ethiopia, with three of the days being up in the mountains. The views were incredible. Unlike any we’ve ever witnessed on a mission trip!
The land was lush and most of the villagers were involved in farming. We enjoyed fresh
cabbage, potatoes, and sweet potatoes.
The villagers were very welcoming to our team. On this trip, we saw more adults than children. Some stated their age was 40 but they looked like 60! We treated some severe wounds that brought us to tears. Those with tooth pain had their first-ever dental visit! Fortunately, our local partners are able to follow up on those that needed surgery and additional treatment. The total amount of patients we treated was 1895!
Speaking of follow-up, the Great Commission Missionaries are also following up on the 35 people that accepted Christ during our medical outreach. This month they also have a training for 50 people on evangelism and church planting in one of the villages we served.
Will you pray for revival to come to the areas we served?
Our missionary partners are also going out to surrounding villages and showing the Jesus Film on their tablets. The results have been incredible! God is stirring hearts.
We usually take the team on a tourism outing at the end of the trip. We visited the 40 springs and took a boat ride to see the crocodiles. A highlight of the trip was sharing the gospel with our 2 boat captains and they prayed the sinner’s prayer and accepted Christ!
MPFC was grateful for the opportunity to once again return and serve in Ethiopia in another region. Our missionary partners have a very robust plan for the months ahead. Will you join us in prayer as they initiate prayer movements, training, and evangelism in the villages we served and surrounding communities?
We are so grateful for your prayers and support for this trip.