You did it. You’ve answered the call from God and said YES to your first missions trip!
Preparing for your first missions trip is such an exciting time, and you might have a lot of questions, but the number one question we get from people entering the mission field for the first time is: How do I raise enough money to fund my trip? Here are our top 5 tips and tricks on how to raise funds for your next missions trip:
1. Share your story
Your story is powerful, so when you approach a person or business about donations, be sure to lead with your story. Why are you going on this particular trip? How did you connect with the organization you chose? Why do you have a passion to serve in this type of way?
2. Explain the problem
What problem is your chosen organization attempting to solve? Is it hunger and malnourishment in underserved nations, or the lack of healthcare in certain areas of the world? Be clear about what problem your organization is trying to solve and what they are doing about it.
3. Be specific
When asking for funds to help you on your missions trip, it helps to be specific. People want to know exactly what their money is going towards, so whether it’s to help with airfare or provide extra medical supplies, don’t be afraid to list off a few things their donation will help purchase.
4. Offer an alternative
Not everyone is able or willing to donate to your trip, and that’s ok! Don’t be discouraged if some people can’t donate, but definitely offer them an alternate way they can help! Asking for prayer and encouragement is a great way someone can be a part of this journey if they can’t give financially.
5. Be thankful
No matter what, always end with gratitude! Make sure to let whoever you’re approaching know how thankful you are for whatever they are able to give, whether that’s money, prayers, or encouraging words. Having an attitude of gratitude always makes people feel good!
If this isn’t your first time raising funds for a missions trip, is there anything you would add to this list? If so, please let us know in the comments. If this is your first time raising funds and you are still struggling to find the words to ask for help, feel free to download our free fundraising letter template to help you on your way!