A powerful way to show you some of the many faces of medical missions is to compile our top 5 must-see documentaries on the world health crisis. Most of these amazing stories you can find on Amazon. We have included the links where possible along with the descriptions that accompany them so you can choose which ones you would like to watch the next time you curl up with a bowl of popcorn.
Period. End of Sentence– (A Netflix original)
This Oscar award winning film seeks to end the taboo around menstruation in developing countries.
A Walk To Beautiful– (Amazon)
This Emmy award winning film documents the real-life struggles of women struggling with childbirth injuries.
Tapestries of Hope- (Amazon)
Tapestries of Hope exposes the horrific rape of young women and girls by men with HIV/AIDS in Zimbabwe and highlights the efforts of one organization to protect and empower those young women.
Living in Emergency– (Amazon)
This 2008 Oscar nominee highlights the stories of four doctors working with Doctors Without Borders trying to perform life-saving emergency care in some of the most challenging situations possible.
Hero with a Thousand Faces– (Amazon)
This documentary gives an unfettered view of the Ebola crisis and the heroes that came to stop it.
We hope these 5 must-see documentaries on the world health crisis inspire you and help you to see what it may be like to do mission work in the medical field.
Do you have other documentaries on the world health crisis you think everyone should watch?
Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook page!
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