Zimbabwe 2024 Recap
Growing the Kingdom and Providing Life – Changing Medical Care in Zimbabwe.
Millions of people in Zimbabwe don’t have access to critical healthcare or medical education.
Concerning issues for people in Zimbabwe:
Medical care is too expensive for many, and in many regions there is only one doctor for 10,000 people
A catastrophic drought has left many with food insecurity
The average life expectancy is just 62 years
To make matters worse, people in Zimbabwe communities often live their whole lives without knowing Jesus or the gospel.

Our Mission In Zimbabwe:
Objective 1
Share the Gospel With the Unreached.
In total, we treated 2183 patients and saw 183 people saved. We have also learned of two churches that have been planted since our visit. Seven more villages are desiring a church!
Objective 2
Provide Life-saving Medical Care
Dr. Pam, a Zimbabwe doctor we served with, has continued to provide outreach care in her community, using the medication our team brought with us for our medical mission trip.
Objective 3
Empowering Healthier Communities.
We are working with MPFC alumni, Alisha Walker, to raise funds for farms in Zimbabwe that have been hit hard by drought. Fresh water wells can make a difference and help a community thrive!
Our Team
In July 2024, our team of 13 volunteers Jesus followers obeyed God’s call and traveled to Zimbabwe, ready to meet thousands of people waiting for the hope of medical care and the saving gospel message of Jesus.
Thank you to Joshua, Alisha, Traci, Kelly, Denise, Kimberly, Rosemary, Sophia, Jacki, Barry, Cherry, and Aryana for your service to the people of Zimbabwe!

Updates & Highlights From Our Trip
Salvation, medical care, and other answers to prayer.

Here is a photo from the first church service of a brand new church in Musoromuchena where our team served. This service took place on September 22, 2024!

Dr Pam, a Zimbabwean doctor who served with us, held her own medical outreach using the leftover medication our team donated.

A local Zimbabwe volunteer is seen here providing free health education to local villagers during our July 2024 medical mission outreach.
Thank you to all who support this trip through prayer and financial support!
What Zimbabweans Have To Say:
My wife and I keep praying for you to continue the medical outreach. It’s such a powerful strategy to reach the lost with the love of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Long-Term Impact
Our team helped to provide education on health management and illness prevention
We witnessed, first-hand, God breaking through to cult members to draw them to Jesus
Our medical outreach connected villages with local medical professionals and pastors to allow for optimal thriving, both physically and spiritually
Interested in Joining an Upcoming Mission?
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”